Monday, December 03, 2007

Inspired by the Cape

Two weekends ago I was inspired scholastically by the wonderful ASHA lectures. Last weekend I was inspired artistically by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and the Gardner Museum (of the two, I suggest the Gardner). This weekend, I decided to become inspired by the nature of Cape Cod.

To get there, apparently, I had to off-road a great deal. See? Here's the proof- if it's not in Garmin maps, it's off-roading. The Garmin map elves haven't visited the Cape (or maybe V.P. Cheney lives there?). It only bothered to map the two main roads-- route 6 and route 6A.

Once I was there, I was caught by both the stark beauty, and the complete lack of any other human to share that beauty with. Not just the lack of a significant other, though it did cross my mind as well, at times I would have been happy with a nod from a stranger in the distance. The beaches were empty. The footprints were mine.

Oh, I spent time shopping too in Chatham, Orleans and Provincetown. While I got a lot bought for Christmas, I've been enjoying just closing my eyes and trying to remember the wind, the surf, the sight of the little round stones being covered relentlessly by waves, the sight of a beach marred only by my clumsy flat-footed footprints. It was lonely, but it was lovely.


Blogger Unknown said...

Okay, here's how you can fix the pic problem. I didn't figure this out myself; I don't envy the person who did. It's rather annoying and time consuming; blogger swears they've got people working to fix it back the way it was, but for now, here you go.

Edit the post.
The picture is about four or five lines of gobbledygood, right? The second line of gook should look about like this:

And the fourth line of gook will look very similar, like this:

The top line there is the link; the second line is the image source. I don't know what went wrong, because you'll note your old photos still work, but anyway here's the fix. In the first image line, you see this right before the image name:

And in the second image line, you see this instead:

In the first image line, change the -R to a -h. Depending how big your pictures are they may or may not be s1600; it may be something else, but the important part is the -R and the -h. I don't know what in heck it means but make the change.

And the part before the s1600-R and s200-h, the Q8q25 etc garbage, that is the file folder somewhere in the bowels of google where your picture lies. You have to make the top line folder look like the second line folder.

So basically, here's what you're doing. Change the first image line from this:
to this:
So you're copying the folder name from the second img line to the first one, and changing the -R to a -h.

And you can see here why I'm not a help desk guy. I can't explain this stuff worth diddlypoop.
Hopefully I haven't completely confused you.

05 December, 2007  
Blogger Ayzair said...

Hmm, all I was going to say was beautiful pictures! I guess Smitty gets a wee bit of credit, too.

05 December, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't found any inspiration in Georgia yet? I bet you're glad you left Boston when you did. I heard the weather was terrible there over the weekend. Hope you are doing well.

17 December, 2007  

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