Tuesday, February 05, 2008


No, I don't know where I'll be going next. Yes, I'm aware that my current contract ends February 22.

That being stated right at the get-go, I'll also state that I'm not worried. After all, it may be time to do a SNF. That's Skilled Nursing Facility for all you non-medical people out there. Of course, there's a hospital in New Bedford, MA that may need me. We shall sit back and see.

I've had a few good weekends. Two weekends ago I helped mom throw a baby-shower for her friend who just adopted a brand new baby girl. Adorable child! I walked in Friday night after driving almost 4 hours and was literally handed a dust cloth and instructions to make chicken salad. The "fun" didn't end until 6pm Saturday when the last guest left (the baby shower was supposed to be from 1-3pm!) but it's always fun working on a project with mom. She amazes me with her creativity and the fact that she thinks of EVERYTHING. She really should throw more parties. Sunday mom and I sat down and set up her new scanner so she can start scanning in old slides from her childhood. I visited with Grandma briefly, then headed to Augusta to visit with my childhood friend and her family before heading back to Macon.

Last weekend I had a lazy morning of house-cleaning in my PJs before heading to Atlanta for some fun. I met up with a crowd of former college buddies, and friends of old college buddies, and ate at a seafood place called 6 Feet Under (it was across from a cemetery). The girls then headed to "The Graveyard" and we drank until the Australia guy with the scarred face was cute. He did have a good accent.... The next morning we lazied around the house and watched Hellboy, then prepared for a superbowl party. I took a trip to my absolute favorite market- Dekalb International Farmer's Market in Atlanta- then helped the final set up (or got in the way, depending on the point of view!). I drove back 3/4 of the way through the game to avoid exhaustion the next morning-- and was informed that the last 10 minutes of the game were historical. Ah well, I ate good food and had seen several friends I hadn't seen in awhile.

I'm currently in an interesting position of being paid for being "on call" with slim chance of actually being called. It started today and will last for the final 2 weeks of my contract- something about overall productivity (NOT MINE! I've been hitting my numbers without problem). So I think I'll have time for some projects. Or maybe I'll have time to get hooked on soap operas? Hopefully I'll get the projects done. It's a numbers game of some sort. It's so strange, and very much against my grain, to get paid for not working. I can't believe I'm complaining about it-- maybe I'm just afraid I'll get lazy??? More later, I'm sure.

I'll try to find some interesting things to take pictures of while I've got spare time. Stay tuned!


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