Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back to School

I've started my new assignment: school system in Shelby, NC.

My students range from 4 years to 11 years and so far have been an excellent group of students. It's been an opportunity to get my creative juices running and increase my tolerance for noise as I juggle 2-4 children's goals during the same 30 minute period.

Whew. School therapy is a handful- thank goodness the day ends at 3:30pm!

And therein lies an interesting problem- how does one spend the time from 3:30pm-10:30pm productively?

Gym- check. I'm visiting the YMCA frequently.

CEUs!!!! Oh, geesh, due by March 31st and I didn't go to ASHA this year so I'm short a good bit. I've got a mail order coming my way with 8 hours of CEU to do, and I'll do an online one tonight to make up the missing hours. That'll fill my time this week. Maybe I"ll get in a CEU mood and continue to do CEUs in April so I'm ahead for the next round.

Taxes- yep, this weekend I'm sitting down with Turbo tax and completing the taxes for my 5 states. yikes. But again, just a short term activity.

Arts? I'm looking into the local studios for classes. My first scan yielded few opportunities.

Organizing? It's not as if I need to complete spring cleaning-- I routinely clean and sort as I move each 13 weeks!

I'm trying to fill my weekends with activities-- I"m booked out a solid month at this point with different friends so that's excellent.

Dating. Ahhhhhh. Plentyoffish.com has a new member as of last night. I sent in one of my Mexico pictures. I'll keep you posted as to the status of THAT particular past time. If the free site's a dud, may try Match.com OF course, with the weekends full, it'll take a patient person indeed to fit into my weekday dating style!

We shall see how these ideas develop.


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