Friday, June 16, 2006

Week in Review

Gym time: 4/5 days with plans to hike tomorrow. One class (Power Yoga) and some time on the treadmill and rowing machine.

Patients seen: Average 3 per day. Yes, that leaves a heck of a lot of time to sit around. Time spent chatting with nurses so they'll send more patients to me-- 50% of my day. other 25% spent gathering materials to help with staff training. Final 25% with actual patients. I'm trying to produce as much stuff so they won't fire my butt. I honestly think they just need a place holder. I should sit back and enjoy, but my work ethic is screaming bloody murder "get back to work" so I find myself wandering the floors listening for the distant sound of coughing. I don't think it helps for the nurses to percieve me as bored, so I've just been lingering over the few patients I have and allowing myself to enter into conversations. I don't know how to do this building up a practice stuff. I've always gained trust through my work quality-- but what if there's no work to be done? How to gain trust and respect then?

Boredom has a name, and it is C***** Medical Center.

Staff is nice. No kindred spirits. Going hiking with buddies from Baltimore.

Dang bored. Can't even play on the computer at work. Dang hospital IT has all the pages watched or blocked.

Hopefully will pick up my spirits in the Shenandoah Valley tomorrow. It better be pretty or I'm going to boycott or something equally trite.


Blogger Ayzair said...

Well, looks like you'll have plenty of time to make friends with the gym and be in perfect shape to "pretend to be someone's girlfriend" in your next, hopefully more exciting locale!

19 June, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of your next locale....I just came across your blog and I wanted to check in with you to see if you might be interested in hearing about new opportunities. I am always on the lookout for new therapists, and I am confident we can compete with your current agency. Feel free to give me a call at 888.416.7949 x 2364 (or ask for Luke) or email me at If you're not interested in anything, I understand, I'm sorry for the random comment on your blog. If you have been giving it some thought, I'll be happy to show you what we can do for you.


Luke Long
MDI Medical

26 June, 2006  

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