Saturday, December 17, 2005

Goodwilling I will go!

6 bags of clothes to goodwill, 5 bags of trash to the dumpster, 4 crates of clothes marked "summer", "dress up", "size 12", and "take".

Am I the only adult out there with enough dress up clothes to make a crate out of them? 3 Halloween costumes, a ninja outfit from my martial arts days, an old clubbing outfit I can't say goodbye to cause it's just way too cool, my old letter jacket....

Sigh. Went through an old box of pictures from when I was a kid. Too bad no scanner to post them-- I was such a tomboy at 13. Found a keychain with the highschool gang in it-- too bad there's really no way to replicate that picture. Called my oldest bestest friend who's in the key chain and presently lives 30 minutes away from me (not for long though), and talked for several hours while sorting clothes. Found some pictures of my baby brother when he was still sucking on his fingers and a letter from my older brother suggesting recipes for my pet rabbit. All were saved.

I'm not close to being done, but I am accomplishing a great deal of purging. It's a good question.... what's important at this stage, what do I see being important in the future, and gee, there was a time when I thought THAT was important? (clunk, in the trash)

Tomorrow I purge the office. Oh SHREDDER! Just kidding. Reports will be written, duplicated, filed twice and cleared off my desk in a timely fashion (I hope). Best bring the radio.


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