Thursday, August 10, 2006


Both interviews went well. They both offered me a position.

Ridgway, Colorado: I'd start Sept 25-->Dec. 22
How will I get to John's wedding Dec. 17?
How will I get home for Christmas?
What are the driving conditions? I'll be working in a small town called Norwood colorado and it's at the bottom of a mountain (box canyan). I've been told snow isn't a problem down at the bottom, but it's hard to get to Ridgway where I'll have to report quite frequently. I'd have to get snow tires. What am I going to do with snow tires??? There also doesn't appear to be any place to live down there. I found a place that offers monthly rental, but only from Dec-->march. The logistics of this decision are a bit harder once I sit and think about it. I'd be the lone SLP in the area. They haven't had one since Dec of last year, so I'd have to do some "damage control".

Goochland, Virginia-- not really a town. Sept 25-->Dec 22 though I may be able to start a half week earlier and end a half week earlier so I can drive down for the wedding. I could make the trip in one long driving day. It's located between Charlottesville and Richmond Virginia. I'd have 2 mentors in the speech department and would be the "baby". IEPs are already completed-- I'd pretty much be coming in and just being a therapist.

I've been up since 4:30am this morning. Thinking. Actually, trying to get to sleep again, but ending up very much thinking. Now I'm typing the thoughts out. I don't know what to do.

Colorado would be such an adventure. And the mountains with snow-- that's something I'd like to see. But the logistics. They arn't small towns- they are TINY towns. Population in the largest is under 600. Norwood is under 500 people. No walmart, I wouldl think! They aren't used to outsiders and don't have things set up for a short term person coming in. I've worked in hospitals that have more beds than these towns have people.

Virginia would give me a cushy and supportive entrance to School SLPing. I've never worked in a school system before and the extra support would probably help me get my feet faster. It's nearer to home and civilization. There's a gym.

I'm calling the chamber of commerce in Norwood tomorrow for some of the answers regarding driving conditions and places to live. And I'm calling Virginia to see if it's too late to get licensed. Colorado needs no license for SLPs.

Dang. It's almost time for my alarm to go off. It's going to be a loooooooonnnnnnggggg day.


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