Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Road to California; Day 1

To those who don't have my phone number out there, my next travel assignment is in California. It's been a long time coming. First, I had to muster the nerve to release my psychological death grip on the East coast. Then I had to get finger printed and jump through the other loops to obtain the SLP license. Finally, I had to interview in a state that is now fraught with hiring freezes and funding cuts. I did manage to find a job and it's within 30 minutes of San Francisco.

I even managed to talk a friend (A) into driving out there with me. I'm flying her back next Saturday evening and I start my new job (home health again, but in a less rural setting) on Monday. She's an old friend from my last permanent job in Augusta, GA (an audiologist who used to work at MCG). So far, she is excellent company and a good driver.

Day one. 700 miles. Six states (SC, GA, AL, Mississippi (MI? MS?), TN (for like, 5 minutes) and finally Arkansas (AS).

We're hopping from Holiday Inn to Holiday Inn so I can accrue points. My company has a ceiling of $500 for relocation, so I'm keeping close track of my receipts. So far we've spent $50 in gas, $82 in hotel fees, and $7 in food (Friend A's Nanny fed us lunch in Pell City, AL).

It's been a riot trying to take pictures of the Welcome signs. I've only managed to get a decent picture of two. Here's one:

We haven't stopped yet for pretty pictures anywhere, but I did take a few from the window. Here's the best from the day:


Anonymous AMS said...

MI = Michigan
MS = Mississippi
MO = Missouri
ME = Maine
MA = Massachusetts
MD = Maryland
MT = Montana
MN = Minnesota


23 June, 2009  

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