Sunday, July 05, 2009

Growing Pains

Ah, the life of a traveler is fraught with stress.

They changed the office I'm working out of. Instead of a 15 minute commute in the morning, I have between a 60-90 minute commute. I'm not real happy about the commute. The added pain of the moment is the fact that I love my apartment. It's big, airy, high ceilings, lots of natural light, full washer and dryer, nice view from the porch, pool that's large enough to swim laps, hot tub next to the pool...need I go on? It's a lovely place. It's in a cooler micro-climate to boot.

But due to the unexpected change (which I did not approve) I am now facing a move. Maybe. I can't seem to get a straight answer on this situation from anyone due to the fact that the week I started my contract everyone else who was involved went on vacation. My housing lady is on vacation. My immediate supervisor at the contract is on vacation.

I'm left driving 90 minutes to my first patient in the morning. Depending on traffic.

I am awaiting news, and trying to enjoy the apartment while I have it. I'm trying not to feel frustrated every time I fill my car with gas (5 X in two weeks- getting expensive!) I need to move closer to my clients, but I'm pissed because it really is a lovely apartment and the area that my clients live in is a bit more expensive. That means the apartment will be less nice-especially since the money will have to cover the set up of the new apartment.

I've been screwed by a contract change I didn't approve and I'm navigating new waters. I've never had a contract change like this. I like the job and the patients and the coworkers so far- but I'm very tempted to give 30 days notice due to the underhanded nature of this last minute contract change and the resulting effects on my personal life and checkbook. I'm not sure if I'm more angry with the client (company I'm temporarily working for who made the change) or my company (who has been unresponsive to the situation and is failing to both communicate how this situation happened and is failing to respond to it in a timely manner).

Rant over. Time to download some reasons that I travel! I've been busy despite the drama and unexpected crappy commute.


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