Sunday, August 13, 2006

Book Tag

Thanks to Ayzair, I've been tagged. Here goes:

1. One book that changed your life?

Brownie Girl Scout Guide-- it had a pledge, a song, and the ASL alphabet. I wanted to work with the deaf ever since I memorized the ASL alphabet in 2nd grade. Then when I was 13 dad talked me into shadowing Dr. Melvin at the VA in Columbia. That's when I decided on Speech Language Pathology instead of deaf education. I still use the sign alphabet and other gestures to support the receptive/expressive language of kids and adults I work with. It made me realize that communication is not just talking, it's being together, working for a cause, and occasionally involves hand gestures.

2. One book you have read more than once?

DragonSinger by Anne McCaffrey. Actually I've read the entire dragonrider series more times than I can count, but the only book I've had to replace 3 times is DragonSinger (wore out one, lent one out and never got it back, drowned one in my car last year and now it's the only fiction I carry with me on my journeys. It's like a security blanket.)

3. One book you would want on a desert island?

Whatever book the professor was using to make all that cool stuff on Gilligan's Isle.

4. One book that made you laugh?

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Better read out loud for maximum giggles.

5. One book that made you cry?

The first book that I remember crying over was Good Night Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian. GNMT was about a small abused child sent out into the country side during WWII who befriends his host. A major character dies just when life gets good for this kid, and I remember bawling like crazy. Others include Jacob Have I Loved and The Lottery Rose. All good tear jerkers.

6. One book you wish had been written?

How to find a husbad you can love until you're 93 years old. Yes, yes, I know there are many books out there, but I need a definitive book on this topic!

7. One book you wish had never been written?

Ohhh, there are a few. Many of them on the reading list during middle and high school. Can't pick one. Won't pick any, because I'm sure I'll upset some of the literary folks if I name any.

8. One book you are currently reading?

Re-reading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Reading The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks- great book about neurological case studies including a women who had a focal stroke and woke up hearing Irish music. From her own head. Sort of like an Irish tinnitus. And I'm currently listening to Zorro by Isabel Allende (book on CD).

9. One book you have been meaning to read?

The Bible. Yes, I read parts here and there, but I've been meaning to read it cover to cover. Tried about 10 years ago and got stuck in the old testament. I've read the entire new testament already but really should read the entire thing.

10. Now tag five people.

I think everyone's been hit, but we'll see. If you haven't been hit, then ams needs to be tagged. Adrienne, you need to get a blog just for this reason! So you can be tagged!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's sjshipper, please don't make me sound like a nazi =)

14 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I was going to tell you that Cminor had just tagged you (and me =:-0 ) for the book thing, but it seems that you have already been tagged. No fair!


17 August, 2006  

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