Sunday, August 13, 2006


What is it? A very evil green liquor that tastes like a Yankee candle would taste if you ever wanted to drink one. It's made by monks, which I find to be very ironic due to the intoxicating effects.

What's in it? Only 2 monks know. There's a vague ingredient list on the website: alcohol, sugar, 130 plants and flowers.

Where to find it? Well, there's this cool little bar a block from my friend's house on the corner of Fort and William's street in Baltimore. They have it and like to sell it as a shot. I had it on the rocks sipped slowly over several hours.

What does it make you do? Apparently, 2 shots of it are enough to make you black out and not remember whole segments of the night. Luckily, I found this out with a friend and the bits I don't remember include singing loudly along to the RENT DVD we decided to watch after the bar closed down at 2;30am, going upstairs to bed, putting my necklace in the side pouch of my bag, and putting my license and visa card in my wallet (but in the wrong department so there was a frantic search the next morning). I do remember returning downstairs to get my pillow and being irritated that Lisa didn't tell me to take it up with me.

The next morning, Lisa informed me she had left me sleeping on the rug downstairs, and I fell asleep halfway through RENT, though I only remember 1/2 the first song. I don't even think I made it to the flaming balcony scene, but apparently I was singing in my sleep all the way to the Life Support scene.

Bad liquor. Evil liquor. C'mon, 2 shots??? It was on top of 3 glasses of wine, but 2 of those were with dinner HOURS before we landed in the bar.

At least I didn't hook up with Mike, the very friendly guy sitting next to me. At least I don't think I hooked up with him. Nope, Lisa confirmed it, I rudely ignored all advances by him and his scary looking friend. My common sense beat out the Chartreuse. Go common sense! Boo Chartreuse!

Anyone else ever try this stuff? Do share.


Blogger Lucky Bob said...

I never drink things to which I would assign a color that I can't spell while drunk. Two shots huh. That's some interesting stuff. Don't tell Jennifer about it.

13 August, 2006  

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