Monday, July 21, 2008


Went to 8 hours of "how to use a hospital computer charting" training. Tried to tell them I usually pick up computer charting in a matter of...well...minutes. The only thing that kept me sane was the fact that I was sitting next to a co-worker who had seen The Dark Knight with me Saturday night and we randomly quoted the movie in our medical "record".

So my patient, "Dodge Curveball", stated during his make-believe swallow evaluation, "why so serious?" when asked what his therapy goals were. Hehehehahahaheheehhe. Right before he pulled a knife on me. That would be a code "green" for all of you out there, or a code-whatever-the-hospital-calls-it. For some reason they didn't show us how to fill out incident reports today-- that would have been a good thing to play with while the respiratory therapists learned how to set vent norms and the Speech therapists were twiddling our electronic thumbs for 90 minutes.

There is a great hospital scene in The Dark Knight. I won't spoil it. But there is a moment when I think I was able to identify every healthcare worker in the theater-- we all snorted our drinks at the same time. That, and I was evaluating a certain injured character's ability to speak and swallow safely. Personally, I'm impressed with the function when acknowledging the amount of damage done to the oral-musculature. Enough. I don't want to spoil a good scene and/or reveal what level of nerd I am.

That's all gobbly-gook unless you've seen it-- and possibly still gobbly-gook if you are not an SLP.

That being said, sitting through a class on computer charting is lame. The Dark Knight- so not lame. It was a fun, fast paced movie that is certainly one of the better I've seen. Even if I watched part of it through my fingers. See Lately'sreview for a more intense description.

4 more hours of computer class tomorrow, followed by 3 days of "training exercises" and then the hospital goes live and all the paper charting I've just now gotten a hang of will change over to computer. Luckily, I type faster than I write.

Go see Batman. And don't be so serious.


Blogger scanime said...

It briefly crossed my mind how he could still be speaking clearly. However, it was quickly replaced for enthusiasm over the excellent CGI. It figures you would focus on the speech, though. :)

22 July, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

I can't wait to see this thing. We gotta get to a theatre.

24 July, 2008  

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