Monday, August 21, 2006


Someone please tell me why it's important for me and everyone else to know that Karr ate pate, fried prawns (can't they just say shrimp???) and drank bubbly? Why? So they were trying to get him to talk-- why is this important news???? So important that I practically have the menu memorized and I haven't even been watching a great deal of news????? RRRRRRRRRR! Media.


Blogger Ayzair said...

My question: Why aren't people focusing on the truly freaky part of this story -- what those parents did to that poor little girl dolling her up like a 20-year-old and putting her in pageants!?

Besides, from the little I've paid attention, sounds like the guy's a media-hungry wannabe who will hopefully still be arrest for whatever evil things he was no doubt doing to children in Bangkok.

21 August, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

What, no Pomonkey? C'mon!

Now you see why I determine where I'll sit in the chow hall by checking which tvs are showing sports and which are showing news. I never thought I'd be the kind of person who avoids news, but there you have it. If it doesn't come in the Economist or on Political Wire I pretty much remain blissfully unaware.

21 August, 2006  

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