Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ode to Hemoglobin

Ode to my little beta fish,
who survived 5 months with Grandma,
only to die the morning I came to visit
...did he think I was coming to take him away?

"He's so excited to see you-- go look!"

"Um, Grandma, I think he's dead"

"Of course he's not dead, I changed his water yesterday. He was swimming like crazy this morning. He just needs salt."

Yes, she salted my dead fish. It did not help. A burial at sea was accomplished via the toilet flush (flushed twice to avoid any chance of return).

Before you send condolences, you should know that I was laughing pretty hard.

Poor little Hemoglobin, you were a good Beta, and you sure knew how to make an exit.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

In Route

I'm on my way back south after a very busy interval in Bal'more. I'll miss the city like crazy-- never thought I'd feel at home there. When I expressed that to one of my new friends, they assured me that someone like "me" could make anywhere feel like home. ??? I've also been told I'm extroverted. I'm not sure who they were talking about, but it couldn't have been me!

I got to see Donegal Express one more time (fun little Irish band) at the Preakness celebration and eat shepard's pie to boot. Then off to the Cross street market the next morning for grapes (for the wine tasting picnic) and sugar-free chocolate. Yes grandma, you're getting chocolate. The "Wine in the Woods" celebration was mobbed but fun-- 20 tastes of wine (plus a few extra due to generous pourers and Cathy's donated 10 tickets (she was driving and had had "enough"). There was a sweet little brewery named Broody's that was decent, otherwise they were drinkable but I wouldn't buy a whole bottle. Dad's getting a bottle of the Broody merlot which was tasty. Mom's getting a rosary from the shrine. I didn't make it back for my last visit to Saint Jude, but maybe I'll drive up special from my next assignment just to go there. The priest blessed mom's rosary, my new Saint Christopher medal for my car, and me so that I'd be safe in my journeys after last weeks mass.

I will be in La Plata. Tiny town. Rumor has it a tornado came and wiped out the town and they never bothered to rebuild. We shall see if I can make THAT feel like home!

Note to self, do NOT lock the house keys inside the apartment during my next move! It took an hour and a half for the key guy to come let me back in. Lunch was eaten sitting outside my apartment listening to my cell phone ring on the other side of the door. I was not amused by my mistake. Jaime had just given me my spare car keys which I put in my pocket then I went to walk her out. I checked to make sure I had keys-- I did-- just not the correct set. It took about 3 seconds AFTER the door clicked shut for me to realize that the keys were a bit on the not-so-bulky side. Grrrrr. Thank God Jaime stuck around a few minutes to let me call the service guy and arrange the unlocking ritual. She even lent me money for lunch as I had on me only a spare set of car keys and no wallet, phone, or other lunch getting items. Thank you Jaime!

My nephew is still cute. He helped me unpack the car. He was very confused that I was not COMPLETELY unpacking-- "you need to stay here" he said. "I am, tonight", I answered. "No, tomorrow too". :-) It's nice to be loved- it was fun reading him Green Eggs and Ham tonight and tucking him in. "I do so like Green Eggs and Ham, Thank you, Thank you, Sam I am".


Friday, May 19, 2006

My Last Day

It's time to leave Baltimore. Goodbye USH. Goodbye Redwood Square. :-(

Just enough time in the next 72 hours to go party for Preakness, attend a Wine in the Woods celebration, and go to church at the shrine "one last time". If I get up early enough tomorrow I can visit the market one more time as well and pick up sugar free chocolate for Grandma. We shall see.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Boys will be Boys

I overheard a conversation at the harbor between a pack of middle school boys (they were talking pretty loud, so it's not evesdropping):

"hey, what are we doing?"

"Let's go eat"

"Let's go shop at the shops"

"Let's go find some pretty girls so we can take some pictures with them"

The third suggestion met with enthusiastic approval and a joiner:

"Yeah, let's go honey shopping"

I just had to laugh and share. Honey shopping. Ha.