Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Smitty's Wedding

Of course I have to blog this! What a lovely weekend. It was so good to see the Elmstreet Gang, and all their spouses.

What was even better was watching the continuous crazy smile that was on Smitty's face all night after the ceremony. You could not set a wedding in a more beautiful place. The garden they had picked had a gazebo with water behind it, lanterns hanging from the trees that mirrored the full yellow moon on the horizon, and a spacious indoor reception area. I won't post too many personal pictures-- that's Smitty's and The Former Lepidopterist's jobs. But I'll share a few for the friends that weren't there, that don't read their blogs, but have heard me talk about the happy couple.

The first picture is of the original Elmstreet gang. There are a few missing members, but this definitely reflects the core group that met in the dorm hall freshman year for hours at a time.

The happy couple, still fresh from the ceremony and probably wondering, "did we just get MARRIED????".

The get away car. How I landed up with this assignment, I'll never know, but I only supplied the equipment. The two 4 year olds did all the work. Yep, that's my story, and the story of everyone else that absolutely in no way help.


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